2019 is here!


What better way to welcome in the new year with a new image.  Well technically it isn’t a new image but it is the first time I have posted it.  It was shot a couple of months ago from memory.

2018 was the year of the aerial once again.  In fact I think aerial photography has exploded into the mainstream over the past decade.  From the early days of Richard Waldendorp shooting from a plane to todays drones redefining what is possible. It has been an exciting ride, well it used to be up in a light aircraft or helicopter.  I prefer a drone these days for lots of reasons, most being the ability to hover and compose more effectively.  The ability to shoot straight down without and angle means the image can be rotated in any direction in post and still look like it was shot properly.

I love aerials but they aren’t my passion.  I prefer the banal urban landscape and this is what I have been exploring a lot in the past 9 years.

So what is new in 2019 for me?  Possibly a new camera system, obviously new images,  we have a new staff member and new ways of printing and displaying photographs.  But I want to continue to talk more about deeper issues.  Issues relating to the environment and how we can all do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint.  I also want to talk more about the need for action to protect our only lifeboat, one that is increasingly under threat.  Don’t worry,  I won’t be getting all preachy on you but hopefully through our love for photography and the natural world inspiration will come and you can too influence your family and friends.  No finger pointing here just the facts and good, open and honest discussions.

It is going to be a year of excitement and hopefully positive change.  Thanks to all of you for interacting with my posts on Facebook and Insta, for all the likes, the chats in the gallery and the goodwill.  We really all have more in common than differences.  Clean air, water, food on the table, a roof over our head, freedom of thought, democracy and a government that looks after the people.  We all want that.  Basic human rights.

See you on the beaches, in the gallery or on the side of a mountain looking for magic light!


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