Bringing Back Black and White

In recent months I have developed an interest in shooting Black & White images again.  This is taking me back to where it all started 31 years ago.  Everything I did back then was B&W and it is where I learnt about tones, composition and light.  It has been a lot of fun to explore it again and I am actually thinking it should become more prevalent in my gallery.

The thing I like about the absence of colour is you are left with only the tonality of the image.  The way shadow and highlights mix together to enhance certain areas of the photograph, how they can direct your eye, create a sense of mood and nostalgia.  Everything I do is shot in colour but using post production techniques I am able to simulate the look of using black and white film in a way better than I could ever do back in the days of darkrooms and chemicals.  I hope you enjoy looking at my new take on an old process.

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