I get to take a lot of photographs. Sometimes this sees me off adventuring to capture images far from home but with this challenge the idea was to focus on things close to home. I am constantly seeking new ways to push the boundaries of my craft and capture the stunning beauty of the world around me. Week 1 of this challenge has been a journey, I was sick and if you hadn’t noticed, I don’t like being sick! But nonetheless, I dragged myself from bed each morning to capture something of the world around me. I hope you agree that the results are filled with moments of inspiration, creativity and discovery.

With winter upon us, the wild ocean has featured prominently this week. If you are familiar with my work, you will notice that I am drawn to the raw power and untamed beauty of the ocean. Crashing waves, rugged shorelines and dramatic skies all combine to great effect. With low light for most of the week, I turned to the drone and played around with editing to create the final images. When I couldn’t get out on one day, I did a still life, with these I often find myself leaning towards nostalgia and couldn’t go past an old camera. Despite the challenges of battling bad light, bad weather and a bad cold, I found that there were always options to capture moments of beauty and interest. The challenge has made me step outside my comfort zone and embrace the possibility of getting a shot every day, all I needed to do was to venture out and explore. Stay tuned for more as I continue the Photo a Day challenge for the month of August, you can follow along daily on my Instagram.